CARTIF Projects CLIMRES Leadership for climate resilient buildings Description CLIMRES aims to foster a ‘Leadership for Climate Resilient Buildings’, by addressing the identification and systematic categorisation of buildings’ vulnerabilities and...


CARTIF Projects SIRCULAR Sustainable and Integrated people centRiC solUtions for buiLding decArbonisation and circularity Description SIRCULAR seeks to transform the construction sector into a sustainable, low-carbon industry through decarbonisation strategies. Its...


CARTIF Projects RURBANIVE RUral-uRBAN synergies emerged in an immersIVE innovation ecosystem Description RURBANIVE will establish a novel rural/urban innovation framework, supported by technical and social innovations to enhance territorial governance and existing...


CARTIF Projects INHERIT Next Generation Solutions for Sustainable, Inclusive, Resource-efficient and Resilient Cultural Heritage Description The overall vision of INHERIT is to create a systematic methodology, accompanied by leading-edge Information and Communication...