
CARTIF Projects Bi0SpaCE Industry 4.0 Enhanced Digital Product Passports and Circular Economy Dataspaces for Sustainable Bio-Based Industries Description Bi0SpaCE accelerates the digital and circular transformation of Europe’s bio-based industries through...


CARTIF Projects DIAMETER Demonstration of a sustainable circular-by-design manufacturing system based on additive manufacturing Description The DIAMETER project will contrast the physical-experimental results of 3D metal additive manufacturing processes with...


CARTIF Projects ENERGYGUARD Large-Scale Testing and Experimentation Facility (TEF) for Assessing, Validating, and Enhancing AI-Powered Next-Generation Energy Solutions Description The EnergyGuard project will create an innovative test platform for artificial...


CARTIF Projects SIRCULAR Sustainable and Integrated people centRiC solUtions for buiLding decArbonisation and circularity Description SIRCULAR seeks to transform the construction sector into a sustainable, low-carbon industry through decarbonisation strategies. Its...


CARTIF Projects iPhotoCult Intelligent Advanced Photonics Tools for Remote and/or on-site Monitoring of Cultural Heritage Monuments and Artefacts Description iPhotoCult has as objective to design, develop and validate innovative and sustainable photonic solutions for...