CARTIF Projects


Research on tractor technologies as a pathway to decarbonisation through renewable hybrid energy grids of the future


The TERA_RED project aims to generate technical scientific knowledge on very low temperature networks. These networks, also called anergy, neutral or 5G networks, have been studied through the application of the scientific method on a laboratory scale, both virtual and experimental. In addition, the various technologies involved in distribution, generation, storage, management and interaction with other higher temperature grids and cooling rings, as well as the economics and electrification of energy consumption under an integrated conception of the energy system, have been studied in an integrated manner. All with the aim of making a substantial leap in the knowledge available in its design, management and operation, it has enabled an improvement in the positioning of Spanish industry in a scenario of decarbonisation.



    • Ability to design and manage low and very low temperature grids as a strategy to decarbonise conventional thermal grids by reducing dependence on gas.
    • New functional structures of geothermal systems and the analysis of the benefits of the integration of heat pumps on the structure of energy grids powered by renewable electricity will be investigated in view of the growing trend towards domestic photovoltaic self-consumption.
    • Independent experimental evaluations to obtain optimal data, from which the results will be used for the hybrid energy networks of the future to select the optimal system(s) for each particular case and to know their capacities, response and evolution over time.
    • Energy exchange between different types of grids combined with temperature rise systems or distributed control of substations, facilitating greater flexibility of the systems allowing increased use of renewable energy. The influence of each energy flow and boundary conditions on the overall structures of energy networks will be quantified, providing integrated solutions that enable optimised management of energy networks.
    • It will address research into the key aspects that influence and condition this joint management and operation, considering different types of interconnected storage, generation and demand forecasting, as well as their flexibility.


  • Investigación en modelos dinámicos adaptados a las condiciones de operación de redes de baja entalpía. Investigación para integrar sistemas de energía renovable en redes de distrito de baja y muy baja temperatura mediante modelado dinámico. Desarrollo de los modelos de redes de baja temperatura y análisis de criterios de diseño mediante el uso de herramientas de simulación dinámica.
  • Desarrollo de un entorno de laboratorio virtual de ensayos que posibilite la optimización multicriterio de diferentes configuraciones de redes de baja temperatura.Calibración de parámetro de los modelos de la red a partir de los datos procedentes de las campañas de ensayos del apartado anterior
  • Creación de los modelos de sistemas de las diferentes tecnologías involucradas en el proyecto para el laboratorio virtual (TRNSYS-PYTHON), así como el procesado de la información para el ajuste y calibración de los modelos en redes de baja temperatura.

Expected Results

  • Desarrollo del laboratorio virtual

R&D Line

  • Development of advanced hybridisation strategies for generation and management of low temperature heat networks.


CDTI Science and Innovation Missions


Total Budget: 5,142,271€

CARTIF Budget: 359,096.96€

Duration: 01/11/2022 – 31/12/2025


Icíar Bernal Peña

Energy Division


Energy Systems Projects:



ENPOWER will design, develop and demonstrate SSH-driven methodologies, interactive and closed-loop tools, and data-driven services for energy-activated citizens and energy-secure cross-sector communities towards a citizen-centric energy system.

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THUMBS UP aims to develop and demonstrate thermal energy storage (TES) at daily (based on PCM) and weekly level (based on TCM soprtion technology) solutions to be easily integrate in EU buildings (both connected and not-connected to DHN) to increase their energy efficiency.

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E-MINE is a research and development project that seeks to implement the electric vehicle in mining environment authomatizing the management of charges and the estimation of capacities according to the metheorological conditions and charge needs of each vehicle according to the work to be carried out.

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Hydro4U demonstrates innovative and sustainable hydropower solutions targeting unexplored small-scale hydropower (SHP) potential in Central Asia (CA). The project will consider future climate change and transboundary challenges and will integrate them into the Water/Food/Energy/Climate nexus.

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LowUP will develop and demonstrate three new efficient heating and cooling technologies that will reduce CO2 emission and primary energy consumption. Heating and cooling account for 50% of the EU´s annual energy consumption.

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The objective of the Cervera HySGRID+ network is to strengthen the technological capacity of Spanish Technology Centres with a high level of complementarity and promote their solid cooperation with the ultimate aim of researching and developing new technological solutions that facilitate the creation of local energy positive balance communities (LEPC)

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Green eMotion

Green eMotion

Green eMotion aims at enabling mass deployment of electromobility in Europe. Develop and demonstrate a commonly accpeted and user-friendly framework consisting of interoperable and scalable technical solutions in connection with a sustainable business platform.

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