The INHERIT project helds its kick-off meeting in Athens on 2 November. About 18 partners of the consortium had been meeting at the Singular Logic facilities, coordinating entity, with the objective of launching a new project, which will promote the sustainability of historical buildings while preserving its value as Cultural Heritage through TICs and new technologies.

The objective of this project is to develop solutions for sustainability and efficiency buildings to deal with future challenges related to energy, resources and circularity. INHERIT aims to change the current strategy of actuation through the incorporation of state-of-the-art information and communication and communication technologies (ICTs), such as IoT, the Artificial Intelligent (IA) and Big Data analysis.

These solutions will be tested in eight EU cultural heritage locations and will consist of pilot buildings, neighbourhoods and cities included in the proposal. CARTIF will be responsive of the Spanish pilot, the Monasterio de Nuestra Señora del Prado, located in Valladolid.

The CARTIF research team involved in this proposal will be in responsible to establishing a common EU approach to carry put technical inspections of heritage buildings. In addition, they will develop a framework and process for assessing and monitoring cultural heritage buildings in different dimensions, as well as the develop of a preventive maintenance service such as H-BIM. The project will optimised the overall energy efficiency, especially in terms of cost-effectiveness, by addressing new solutions applicable to the reliable and respectful historic renovation of heritage buildings.

“Our cultural heritage represents our cultural identity and must therefore be protected and passed on from one generation to the next,” said Stamatia Rizou, coordinator of SLG’s INHERIT project. “We are proud to launch the INHERIT initiative, an ambitious project that aims to shape sustainable pathways for cultural heritage-built environment through social, scientific and technological innovations in line with the principles of the New European Bauhaus”.

The project is funded under the Horizon Europe framework and has a duration of 42 months. The consortium is composed of Singularlogic, coordinator of the proposal, CARTIF, Space Hellas, Erevnitiko Panepistimiako Institouto Systimaton Epikoinonion Kai Ypologiston (Iccs), University Of Piraeus Research Center, Zentrum Fur Soziale Innovation Gmbh, Iclei European Secretariat Gmbh, Stichting Isso, Fondazione Icons, Regionalna Energetsko-Klimatska Agencija Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske, Bouygues Immobilier Sa, Elliniki Etaireia Perivallontos Kaipolitismou, Rigas Planosanas Regions, Przedsiebiorstwo Robot Elewacyjnychfasada Sp Zoo, Centro De Estudios De Materiales Y Control De Obra Sa, Uppsala Universitet, Izmir Buyuksehir Belediyesi, University College London, European Association Of Historic Towns And Regions Limited.

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